Dining Room Wall Wine Rack
Build a vertical, wall-mounted wine rack out of one piece of oak board.
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level 1
I so wish I could call out those wines. Clarification: I work in a wine store.
Something about that seems really dangerous.
level 2
There are two anchor points on the reverse side of the wine rack. I've built one of these to hold 12 bottles, (it had held up to 10 at one point) and it hasn't broken yet.
The potential for danger lies in installing the anchors incorrectly into the wall, not the rack itself.
level 1
Can you post a picture of it filled? For some reason, my eyes won't believe that the bottle fit next to each other....I'm imagining a bottle trying to get past the top of the white-topped bottle there into the hole below it and not seeing it happen easily.
level 2
Already gave away the one I just built, but here's a pic of the first one I built. On this black one the necks are actually 1/2" closer to each other than on the stained one, which is why it looks super tight. Live and learn.
level 1
Good choice with the d'Arrays Original! Also good job on the rack, looks really good :)
level 1
Interesting idea, but bad way to store wine. As soon as you remove a bottle to pour, it'll mix all the silt into the bottle!
level 1
It is cool but it is way too risky to leave them like that, the necks are strong but with some few weeks or months they will probably break if kept in that condition.
level 2
Not to worry - my friends and I are all drinkers, the bottles don't stay on there for long.
level 2
They most definitely won't break :)
level 1
Whereabouts are you? Just wondering how much the magpie (I think...) costs you there.
level 2
It's Oak, actually, 1.5"x2.5", got it at the Watertown, MA Home Depot, about $5 for 4 feet.
level 1
Holy crap, the engineer in me gets squeamish looking at this. The most subtle bump is going to bust those bottles at the neck. Be careful!
level 2
I'm a mech e. and like I commented earlier, it's all about installing it in a smart fashion where the chances of bumping it are at a minimum. Also, the previous one I built hung for about a year, and nothing bad ever happened.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/10z1d6/build_a_vertical_wallmounted_wine_rack_out_of_one/
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